


 The circuit: 
 *connect RX3 Pin 14 to SO on TRex DMC
 *connect TX3 Pin 15 to SI on TRex DMC
#include <ArduPar.h>
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
IntArduPar someIntSetting;
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200);  // start Serial Communication
  Serial.begin(57600);   // Open serial communications and wait for port to open
  Serial3.begin(19200);  // initialize connection to trex
  Serial3.write(0x83);  //Ask the trex module if serial control is enabled
  if( == 1){
    Serial.println("Serial is in control!"); }
  else {
    Serial.println("Serial ist not in control!"); }
      F("someInt"),          // The command used to change the parameter. The F("foo") syntax saves memory by putting the command into flash-memory. (look up "progmem strings" if you care)
    -1200,                       // The lowest value the parameter can have. Values received via Serial will be clipped to this range.
    1200                       // The highest value the parameter can have. Values received via Serial will be clipped to this range.
void loop() {  
  if (someIntSetting.value > -100 && someIntSetting.value < 100) {
    //drive forward: (Motor 1: 0xC2, Motor 2: 0xCA)
    // Motor 1 
    Serial3.write(0xC2); //forward motor 1
    Serial3.write(100); //Speedvalue from 0 to 127
    //Motor 2
    Serial3.write(0xCA); //forward motor 2
    Serial3.write(100); //Speedvalue from 0 to 127
  if (someIntSetting.value < -100) {
    // drive left: 
    // Motor 1 
    Serial3.write(0xC2); //forward motor 1
    Serial3.write(100); //Speedvalue from 0 to 127
    //Motor 2
    Serial3.write(0xCA); //forward motor 2
    Serial3.write(50); //Speedvalue from 0 to 127
  if (someIntSetting > 100) {
    // drive right:
    // Motor 1 
    Serial3.write(0xC2); //forward motor 1
    Serial3.write(50); //Speedvalue from 0 to 127
    //Motor 2
    Serial3.write(0xCA); //forward motor 2
    Serial3.write(100); //Speedvalue from 0 to 127
projektews2013/moperro/arduinocode.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/01/21 12:45 (Externe Bearbeitung)