




Diese Testprogramme helfen uns dabei gewisse Funktionen auf ihre Richtigkeit zu prüfen, wie auch zum Vergleichen welche Funktion bessere Ergebnisse liefert.

Vergleich von Planetenbewegungen mit verschiedenen Methoden

In diesem Skript wird die Genauigkeit des Euler-Verfahrens mit dem Leapfrog-Verfahren am Bespiel der Erdbewegung um die Sonne verglichen. Die Bewegung der dunkelblauen Erde wir durch das Leapfrog-Verfahren berechnet, das der hellblauen durch das Euler-Verfahren. Nach einiger Zeit sieht man bereits deutliche Unterschiede in der Bahnbewegung: Die dunkelblaue Erde verlässt die richtige Bahn langsamer, da ihre die Berechnungsfehler kleiner sind.

from functions import *
import pygame
class Sun(object):
    def __init__(self):
        """initialize all necessary properties of the sun
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0
        self.radius = 20
        self.mass = 1.989e30
        self.colour = (255, 255, 0)
class Earth(object):
    def __init__(self, color):
        """initialize all necessary properties of the earth
        self.x = 1.49e11
        self.y = 0.
        self.radius = 10
        self.mass = 5.97e24
        self.velocity = np.array([0., 2.978e4])
        self.force = np.array([0, 0])
        self.colour = (color)
    def move(self):
        """leapfrog method for differential-equation-solving
        self.x += 0.5 * self.velocity[0] * dt
        self.y +=  0.5 * self.velocity[1] * dt
        self.velocity += self.force/self.mass * dt
        self.x += 0.5 * self.velocity[0] * dt
        self.y +=  0.5 * self.velocity[1] * dt
    def move2(self):
        """euler-method for differential-equation-solving
        self.x += self.velocity[0] * dt
        self.y += self.velocity[1] * dt
        self.velocity += self.force/self.mass * dt
def draw(a, points):
    """Draws an object on the screen
    """, a.colour, (int(a.x * 10e-10) + width/2,
    int(a.y * 10e-10) + height/2), a.radius, 0)
    pygame.draw.aalines(screen, a.colour, False, points, 2)
def draw2(a):
    """Draws an object in the middle of the screen
    """, a.colour, (width/2, height/2), a.radius, 0)
dt = 36000
(width, height) = (1000, 600)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
pygame.display.set_caption(" ")
bgcolour = (10, 10, 10)
earth = Earth((0, 0, 255))
kerbin = Earth((50, 150, 255))
sun = Sun()
running = True
while running:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            running = False
    # display everything
    draw(erde, linepoints1)
    draw(kerbin, linepoints2)
    # calculate everything
    erde.force = get_force(earth, sun)
    kerbin.force = get_force(kerbin, sun)

Euler-Verfahren vs Verlet(Leapfrog)-Verfahren

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#  x .. = f(x)
def f(x):
    return -x
def leapfrog(startwertx, startwertv, intervallende, anzahlschritte):
    h = (intervallende - startwertx)/anzahlschritte
    tpoints = np.linspace(0, intervallende, anzahlschritte)
    xpoints = []
    vpoints = []
    x = startwertx
    v = startwertv
    for t in tpoints:
        x += 0.5 * v * h
        v += f(x) * h
        x += 0.5 * v * h
        #x += h * f(x) + f(x) * h**2/2
    return tpoints, xpoints
def euler(startwertx, startwertv, intervallende, anzahlschritte):
    h = (intervallende - startwertx)/anzahlschritte
    tpoints = np.linspace(0, intervallende, anzahlschritte)
    xpoints = []
    vpoints = []
    x = startwertx
    v = startwertv
    for t in tpoints:
        v_neu = v + h * f(x)
        x += h * v
        v = v_neu
        #x += h * f(x) + f(x) * h**2/2
    return tpoints, xpoints
t1, x1 = leapfrog(0.,1., 100, 500)
t2, x2 = euler(0.,1., 100, 500)
pointsin = np.sin(t1)
abweichung_1 = []
abweichung_2 = []
for i in range(len(t1)):
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (18, 8.5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(t1, x1, label="Leapfrog")
ax.plot(t2, x2, label="Euler")
ax.plot(t1, np.sin(t1), label="np.Sinus")
ax.plot(t1, abweichung_1, label="Abweichung Leapfrog")
ax.plot(t1, abweichung_2, label="Abweichung Euler")
ax.plot(t1, 0*t1, color="black")

Asteoridengürtel nur mit Sonnengravitation

import numpy as np
import pygame
from functions import get_force
class Asteorid(object):
	def __init__(self,phi,radius):
		self.x = np.cos(phi) * radius
		self.y = np.sin(phi) * radius
		self.radius = np.random.randint(1,3)
		self.mass = 6.687e15
		self.velocity = np.sqrt(G * 1.989e30/radius)
		* np.array([-np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi)])
		self.force = np.array([0.,0.])
		self.colour = (100,100,100)
	def move(self):
		self.x += 0.5 * self.velocity[0] * dt
		self.y +=  0.5 * self.velocity[1] * dt
		self.velocity += self.force/self.mass * dt
		self.x += 0.5 * self.velocity[0] * dt
		self.y +=  0.5 * self.velocity[1] * dt
class Sun(object):
    """Our Sun in the point of origin
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0
        self.radius = 20
        self.mass = 1.989e30
        self.colour = (255,255,0)
def draw(a):
    """Draws an object and its trail on the screen
    """, a.colour, (int(a.x * 0.5e-9) + width/2,
    int(a.y * 0.5e-9) + height/2), a.radius, 0)
def draw2(a):
    """Draws an object in the middle of the screen
    """, a.colour, (width/2, height/2), a.radius, 0)
G = 6.673e-11
AE = 1.496e11
n = 2000
dt = 36000
liste = []
(width, height) = (1000,600)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
pygame.display.set_caption(" ")
background_colour = (10,10,10)
for i in xrange(n):
	phi = 2 * np.random.random() * np.pi
	radius = np.random.uniform(2.,3.4) * AE
	obj = Asteorid(phi, radius)
sonne = Sun()
running = True
while running:
	for event in pygame.event.get():
		if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
			running = False
    # display everything
	for i in liste:
		i.force = get_force(i, sonne)

Neue Berechnung des Drehimpulses nach einem Zusammenstoß

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
from functions import *
import numpy as np
n = 2
liste_teilchen = init_particle_list(n)
part_1.velocity = np.array([1.,0.])
part_2.velocity = np.array([0.,1.])
def get_torque(part_1, part_2):
	Drehimpulsberechnung für neu entstandenes Teilchen nach Kollision
	newpoint_x = (part_1.mass * part_1.x + part_2.mass * part_2.x)
	/ (part_1.mass + part_2.mass)
	newpoint_y = (part_1.mass * part_1.y + part_2.mass * part_2.y)
	/ (part_1.mass + part_2.mass)
	newpoint = ([newpoint_x, newpoint_y]) #Schwerpunkt zwischen beiden Teilchen
	print part_1.x,part_1.y
	print part_2.x,part_2.y
	print newpoint
	r_1 = ([part_1.x - newpoint_x, part_1.y - newpoint_y]) #Richtungsvektoren
	r_2 = ([part_2.x - newpoint_x, part_2.y - newpoint_y])
	print r_1
	print r_2
	torq_1 = part_1.mass * np.cross(r_1, part_1.velocity) #Drehimpulse der einzelnen Teilchen zum Schwerpunkt
	torq_2 = part_2.mass * np.cross(r_2, part_2.velocity)
	torq = torq_1 + torq_2 #Gesammtdrehimpuls (+ Eigendrehimpulse falls vorhanden)
	print torq
	return newpoint,torq
for i,part_1 in enumerate(liste_teilchen):
	for j,part_2 in enumerate(liste_teilchen):
		if i < j:
			get_torque(part_1, part_2)
ss17/viele_dinge_fliegen_im_weltall_durcheinander/testprogramme.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/08/28 15:41 von mtoppermann