#include "WWSR.h" #include "Arduino.h" StepperAntenne::StepperAntenne(){ ledPin = 13; hoechsterWifiWert; } void StepperAntenne::connect(){ Serial.begin(115200); //use the convenient setup. wifly.setupForUDP( &Serial3, //the serial you want to use (this can also be a software serial) 57600, // if you use a hardware serial, I would recommend the full 115200. This does not work with a software serial. true, // should we try some other baudrates if the currently selected one fails? "arduinonet", //Your Wifi Name (SSID) "florian3", //Your Wifi Password "WiFly", // Device name for identification in the network 0, // IP Adress of the Wifly. if 0 (without quotes), it will use dhcp to get an ip 8000, // WiFly receive port "", // Where to send outgoing Osc messages. "" will send to all hosts in the subnet 8001, // outgoing port true // show debug information on Serial ); wifly.printStatusInfo(); //print some debug information wifly.startCommand(); //starts the Command-Mode } int StepperAntenne::getSignal(){ return wifly.getRSSI(); }