import random temp = 0.1 height = 100 width = 100 days = 5 class Agent(): radius = 2 def __init__(self, color = 'cornflowerblue'): ''' sets color, position and speed of the Agent ''' self.color = color = 0 self.xstartpos = random.uniform(0,width) self.ystartpos = random.uniform(0,height) self.xpos = self.xstartpos self.ypos = self.ystartpos self.xspeed = temp*random.uniform(-10,10) self.yspeed = temp*random.uniform(-10,10) self.xpos_list = [] self.ypos_list = [] def isSusceptible(self): ''' check if the Agent is susceptible ''' return self.color == 'cornflowerblue' def isInfected(self): ''' check if the Agent is infected ''' return self.color == 'red' def setExposed(self): ''' update the condition of the Agent to exposed ''' self.color = 'pink' = 1 def setInfected(self): ''' update the condition of the Agent to infected ''' self.color = 'red' = 5 * days def setRecovered(self): ''' update the condition of the Agent to recovered ''' self.color = 'gray' = 15 * days def move(self): ''' move the Agent and check if position of the Agent is out of the frame, if so change the direction ''' self.ypos += self.yspeed self.xpos += self.xspeed if self.xpos >= width or self.xpos <= 0: self.xspeed *= -1 if self.ypos >= height or self.ypos <= 0: self.yspeed *= -1